Why we’re putting AI at the heart of the French waste sector with NextWaste

Alisa Pritchard

Alisa Pritchard

May 21, 2024

3 min read

France is at a pivotal moment in its journey towards a circular economy. With ambitious targets to increase waste recycling rates to 65% by 2025, French materials recovery facilities (MRFs) will need to process more material than ever to support the country’s transition from high incineration and landfilling rates to recycling.

To manage that increase in volume without sacrificing recycled product quality, facility operators will need to measure the material they receive as quickly as they receive it.

Today, we're thrilled to announce a partnership with NextWaste to bring the transformative power of AI to French MRFs.

Greyparrot and NextWaste's impact on French waste management:

1) Increasing plant efficiency and recycling rates

With Greyparrot Analyzer at the core of facility-wide automation systems, French MRFs can optimise waste sorting processes and enhance resource recovery. By digitising and automating waste monitoring, facility staff gain deeper insights into their materials without extensive time, effort, or investment.

Collaborating with NextWaste, the data gathered through Analyzer will provide actionable insights for facility operators to balance throughput and yield, optimise processing, and enhance product quality within their existing infrastructure. This ability to improve plant efficiency swiftly, without enduring lengthy waits for new equipment installations or major plant upgrades, represents a game-changer for the industry.

"We are thrilled to partner with Greyparrot to bring AI waste analytics to French MRFs. This technology increases our offerings to customers, providing the data-driven insights needed to boost processing capacity and improve recovery rates—critical steps towards accelerating France’s move to a circular economy." — 

Guillaume-Henri Hurel, Associate Director at NextWaste

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2) Meeting and exceeding ambitious regulatory requirements

With measures like the AGEC Law, EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility), and the European Green Deal mandating stricter waste sorting, recycling targets, and compliance reporting, our partnership with NextWaste empowers French waste managers to not only meet but exceed these ambitious targets.

By digitising waste flows, we streamline operations to achieve increased recycling targets, and automate waste reporting to reduce the burden of manual sampling for compliance reporting. In the pursuit of these ambitious goals, waste managers stand as pivotal players, spearheading France's journey towards a more sustainable future. The pressing need for technology to growing regulatory requirements underscores the urgency of our collaborative efforts.

"We’re excited to partner with NextWaste to expand our impact in the French market. Together, we can support customers in managing growing waste flows and meeting EU recycling targets." 

Gaspard Duthilleul, COO at Greyparrot

Building on AI’s momentum in France with NextWaste

This exciting collaboration with NextWaste builds on our strong foundation in France, a country renowned for its green initiatives and well-established EPR system by CITEO. Here, Greyparrot Analyzer is already deployed at pioneering Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs), solidifying our presence in a nation committed to sustainability. Our recent acceptance into CITEO’s Circular Challenge cohort is further validation of our commitment to the waste sector in France.

“Artificial intelligence solutions like Greyparrot’s enable sorting and recycling operations to be optimised and digitised for better management and improved performance.”


Anne-Lucie Werquin, Director of Innovation, CITEO

Together with NextWaste, we'll expand the reach of AI waste analytics to more waste professionals across France — bolstering efforts to achieve ambitious recycling targets. With shared ambitions to make an impact, we're poised to make a transformative difference in building a more sustainable future.

Learn about another recent partnership to accelerate automated, efficient resource recovery in Europe here.

Read the full press release here.

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