Ensure your packaging never becomes waste

Greyparrot reveals the true recyclability of your packaging using waste data from global sorting facilities, so you can act to design more sustainable products.

Achieve your packaging sustainability goals faster and more efficiently

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Collaborate with waste leaders

Work directly with the experts that sort, recover and recycle your products, and learn what happens once your packaging reaches the end of its life.

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Innovate packaging

Use real-world data from global material recovery facilities to guide packaging design decisions and material choices.

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Inform ESG and EPR Reporting

Have data to back the impact of packaging design choices on consumer recycling and improved recovery rates for detailed ESG and EPR reporting.

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Back up sustainability claims

Share your brand’s packaging sustainability successes with the accurate data you need to support your claims.

“For something to be truly recyclable, it has to be collected, sorted, sent somewhere to be processed into another material, and then it actually has to be used again…We see waste data…as a real enabler to increase recycling and influence the actual design of packaging.”

Claire Shrewsbury

Claire Shrewsbury,

Director of Insights and Innovation at WRAP

Access the largest commercially-available recyclability datasets

How we gather and deliver data on your products – without requiring any changes to your packaging:


Data collection

Greyparrot Analyzer units are installed at global recovery facilities, analysing over 25 billion waste objects in a single year.

AI analysis

Data analysis

Greyparrot AI categorises waste objects by value, brand, SKU, and more, all without requiring any alterations to your packaging.


Data delivery

Greyparrot Insights filters our data to track packaging from brands taking part in our pilot program. They access the insight on our dashboard, or export it to business intelligence platforms.

Meet the growing demand for recyclable packaging

We need a change protest


of consumers would be willing to pay more for packaging they consider sustainable.

Over 80%

of supply chain emissions is attributed to consumer goods producers.


of the world’s plastic is used for packaging —but less than 10% is recycled.


of packaging must be designed for recycling by 2030 according to EU’s packaging and waste policy

Track packaging from design to disposal

Our waste intelligence insights give brands, packaging designers and policy-makers a detailed account of real-world recycling performance, helping them:


Many packaging producers face a “black box” when it comes to recyclability. By revealing the final stage of the product lifecycle, we can help:

  • Assess the true recyclability of your packaging, based on real-world data.
  • Compare individual brands and products in the waste stream.
  • Flag priority products that the waste sector is struggling to recover.
Greyparrot software in recycling facility
Greyparrot brand recognition system for select SKUs


Once you measure, you can begin to improve. Use end-of-life data on individual products to:

  • Redesign packaging with recyclability in mind.
  • Prioritise investment in new designs and materials.
  • Assess the impact of changes to maximise recovery rates.

Stay ahead

Your products’ recyclability will soon have a direct impact on your business’s bottom line. Greyparrot Insights filters data to help you:

  • Forecast the impact of scope 3 reporting and extended producer responsibility.
  • Begin automating the compliance reporting process ahead of policy arrival.
  • Lead on sustainability - show concrete data on improved recovery rates.
Packaging sorting

Return your products to the circular economy

We're committed to helping packaging producers and brands make a positive impact with recyclable packaging. Our system already tracks thousands of the world's most popular products. Find out what we’ve learnt about yours.