Greyparrot at IFAT 2024: Powering next-generation recycling facilities

Alisa Pritchard

Alisa Pritchard

May 10, 2024

4 min read

Greyparrot at IFAT 2024

Recovery facilities face challenges in collecting data on current waste flows with manual sampling, let alone handle the expected 70% surge in waste (3.4 billion tonnes) by 2050. This lack of visibility contributes to global recycling rates remaining below 20%. That's why we've turned to technology to fill in the missing details. 

We're set to showcase our solution to sorting inefficiency and the waste data gap at IFAT 2024 – the world's leading environmental tech expo. Our focus? Using AI to shine a light on post-consumption resources at sorting facilities. 

Detailed, automated waste analysis is helping boost recovery rates in the waste sector and guiding recyclable design improvements for packaging producers. Additionally, we're improving operational efficiency and ensuring seamless system integration.

"It's exciting to see waste data driving a more sustainable approach to resources from creation to end-of-life"

- Gaspard Duthilleul, Chief Operating Officer

Our mission to improve recycling efficiency and decrease the environmental impact of waste will take centre stage at IFAT 2024. With live demos of our AI waste analytics system and a new feature that's a major step forward in lean materials recovery facility (MRF) management, making MRFs more adaptable than ever, we'll be demonstrating how detailed data translates to intelligent action.


Spotlighting environmental technologies – our showcase at IFAT 2024

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We'll be spotlighting the ways our customers in global sorting facilities use Greyparrot Analyzer to adapt to changing material flows and market conditions at our IFAT stand. 

Our team will explain how MRFs balance throughput rates, product quality and value loss with Analyzer insights. They'll also share how data guides infrastructure investment, reduces human bias and improves health and safety.

Real-time data translates to a more adaptable waste management sector, able to recover more value from post-consumption resources and send fewer materials to landfills and incinerators.


Facility Dashboard launch: Advancing lean plant management at IFAT 2024

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We're launching the Facility Dashboard at IFAT 2024. It's a new feature that empowers MRFs to embrace lean management.This centralised tool transforms complex data into actionable insights, allowing operators to dynamically optimize recycling processes.

The new dashboard is an industry-first: it displays the performance of an entire sorting facility by breaking down every waste stream into detailed compositional data, distilled onto a single live screen. With real-time changes in material purity and sorting efficiency, it's designed to help facility staff track performance at-a-glance. Armed with that insight, operators can take action to optimise throughput rates, infeed blends, and overall product quality.

At IFAT Munich 2024 you can come see a live demo (at stand 137 in Hall B4) from the 13th-17th of May. 


Fostering collaboration and transparency at IFAT 2024


As one of the world’s largest gatherings for environmental technology innovators, IFAT 2024 provides the perfect setting to highlight one of our most significant collaborations to date.

We'll be sharing the latest on our strategic partnerships with Bollegraaf and Van Dyk, showcasing AI's role in shaping the next generation of recovery facilities. Digitisation and automation are now the hallmarks of modern resource recovery.

"Over the past two years, we have made massive progress in many areas - from the expansion of our waste identification library to more than 89 categories, to the installation of over 100 Greyparrot analyzers in 20 countries, to our recently announced strategic partnership with Bollegraaf, the world's largest supplier of turnkey recycling solutions.

Progress in tackling the global waste and resource crisis can only be made if we work together. We are therefore once again looking forward to IFAT Munich to find out how our system can provide even greater support to the international key players in the recycling sector."

- Gaspard Duthilleul, COO at Greyparrot.


At both the Greyparrot and Bollegraaf stands, we’ll be showcasing how AI waste analytics – and the waste intelligence insights that result – is shaping next-generation recovery facilities, with digitisation and automation becoming the hallmarks of modern resource recovery. 

Together, we're putting AI waste analytics in the hands of more plant managers, providing the data-driven insights needed to recover more value from the world's waste streams.

“The future is clear: to further increase recycling rates we need more insight and collaboration across the value chain. We have been looking to implement AI that can power fact-based and automated decision making to provide our clients with a much more accurate overview of their waste composition and ultimately maximise their ROI." - Edmund Tenfelde, CEO of Bollegraaf


Discover our innovations at IFAT 2024

Visit us at IFAT 2024 to see our AI solutions in action and discover how they can transform your recycling operations. Learn more or schedule a meeting/live demo with us on the day via on our dedicated IFAT 2024 event page.


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